Tiny Turtles

Welcome to Foundation 2 and the Tiny Turtles

Meet the team:

Mrs Hemming and Mrs Burton

Our school day

The school gate on the lower playground opens at 8:35am. Parents/carers can walk their child to the classroom doors which will open at 8:40am. 

Arrive at School:


Morning work/reading




Lesson 1: Maths


Lesson 2: RWI phonics


Snack time


Lesson 3: Language development (talk through stories)


Lesson 3: Get Writing


Lunch time


Register and handwriting


Lesson 4: Wider curriculum


Lesson 5: Mastering Number


Story time


End of day


Our PE day is Thursday. 

Children should arrive at school in their school uniform and bring sensible clothes and footwear for exercising to change into. Please ensure all items are labelled with your child’s name. Children will change back into their uniform after their PE lesson.  

Please check dojo regularly to keep updated with the latest news and information about FS2 and the wider school community.
Messages sent to teachers on class dojo should only be non-urgent. Any urgent messages should be telephoned to the school office. 
Ensure we have up to date contact details for each family member so we can keep in touch, contact someone in an emergency and share important messages via school text. Please contact the school office to share any changes.
Children should bring a water bottle to school everyday. There are water dispensers in school to refill them if necessary. 
Book bags need to be brought to school everyday. Book bags should contain a reading diary and reading book. Books are precious, please do not transport water bottles in book bags to limit any damages!
Please can all items of clothing be labelled with your child’s name.
Class Themes and Topics
In Foundation Stage, all learners experience a broad, balanced and varied curriculum, which is relevant to their stage of development. Thoughtfully planned, child-centered topics change from half term to half term, and are used as a vehicle to teach the whole EYFS curriculum. This year, our topics include:

Autumn 1 – Marvelous Me

Autumn 2 – Farms and Celebrations

Spring 1 –  Dinosaur, ROAR!

Spring 2 – Down in the Jungle

Summer 1 – The Pirates are Coming!

Summer 2 – ‘Are we nearly there yet?’