
At Flanderwell, our maths curriculum ensures that children have the opportunity to become secure, confident and competent mathematicians.

We believe that our maths curriculum needs to ensure that all children know and remember more. Using a mastery approach, we hope that all children will develop a deep and long-lasting understanding of maths, which allows them to be flexible within their approaches to learning. We want for all children to be fluent with their methods and facts so that they are adept in their problem solving, mathematical thinking and reasoning.


Curriculum Implementation

Our long-term plan is based upon the recommended National Curriculum to ensure that children are exposed to a challenging curriculum. We use White Rose to ensure that learning is sequential and uses small steps to support children to master each mathematical concept. The progression of skills is clear across school so that children are able to build upon solid foundations and create links to their new learning. Spaced retrieval is used to ensure that children have the opportunity to revisit concepts regularly. Children will also have the chance to practice various elements of the curriculum so that they can achieve automaticity. Combining all of these elements will ensure that nothing is left to chance.

This progression document outlines how each area of maths develops across the year groups and the small steps that children will take to deepen their understanding of each concept.

Whole School Maths Progression

We ensure that the three aims of the National Curriculum are addressed weekly: Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving.

Fluency is taught regularly across school and forms an integral part of Maths lessons. Children also have additional opportunities to develop their fluency outside of Maths lessons. In EYFS and KS1, Mastering Number is used to help children to develop a thorough understanding of number and the relationships between them. In KS2, children will develop their arithmetic skills during regular focused sessions in which they will develop their ability to calculate effectively with whole numbers, decimals and fractions, and use their knowledge of place value. Children will have ownership of their maths and will regularly discuss the most effective method and they will have the freedom to select the method that they would like to use.

As a fundamental aspect of our maths curriculum is reasoning and problem solving, children will be taught the skills that they need to be able to apply their knowledge to a variety of different contexts. To support children with this, children will need to develop their mathematical thinking and be able to verbalise their thoughts clearly using the correct vocabulary. The use of sentence stems within lessons will ensure that children are able to do this and can fluently express their thinking.

Resources and manipulatives are used within all year groups and children are moved between concrete, abstract and pictorial representations as they progress through their learning. The use of resources within independent tasks will help to support children to access challenging learning and to deepen their understanding of different concepts.



Within our maths lessons, assessment for learning is continuously taking place to inform lesson planning, lesson delivery and next steps. As part of this, live marking is valued to ensure that children are receiving timely feedback. We use these assessments to provide pre-teach activities, where children have the opportunity to encounter new learning before a lesson, and same day intervention, where children revisit the learning from the day to ensure that they have a secure understanding. 

We assess maths attainment at least once a term and use a point in time judgement to decide if the child is working below/at/above age-related expectation. To validate teacher assessments, we also use a termly test to obtain a standardised score. This helps us identify whether pupils are where they should be for that point of the year and if any additional support is required such as additional tuition or intervention.

To see the full content of the maths curriculum for each year group, please visit:

As we use the White Rose Maths scheme to structure our maths curriculum, we follow their calculation policy to ensure that methods and approaches are consistent. Please click below to find the calculation policies.

Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division


These policies can also be found at


In line with the National Curriculum, it is expected that children will be able to rapidly recall multiplication and corresponding division facts for particular tables by the end of that year.

By the end of Year 2, most children are expected to be able to do this for the 2x, 5x and 10x tables.

By the end of Year 3, most children are expected to be able to do this for the 3x, 4x and 8x tables.

By the end of Year 4, most children are expected to be able to do this for the 6x, 7x, 9x, 11x and 12x tables.

In Year 5 and 6 it is expected that they will be fluent with all times tables facts up to 12×12.


As children achieve each set of times tables this is celebrated in school and rewards are given.  When children reach their end of year expectations, they will be encouraged to work on the next set of times tables.

Children will be taught their times tables in a variety of ways including during lessons investigating different rules and patterns, rhymes and songs and using different websites. 

Children in Year 2 will use TT Rockstars as they begin to develop their knowledge of times tables, beginning with securing x2, x5 and x10. 

Children in Year 3, 4 and 5 will use Reflex until they achieve 100%.

Relfex Math

Children in Year 6 and those that have achieved 100% will use TT Rockstars.

TT Rockstars

Throughout the year, children will work through a blocked curriculum to ensure that they develop mastery of mathematical concepts. This is an outline of the units that children will complete. 

Yearly Overviews

Foundation Stage 1

Foundation Stage 2

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Long Term Plans

These documents outline how each concept has been broken down so that children can progress through a logical and coherent series of steps in order to develop mastery of each concept. 

FS1 Long Term Plan

FS2 Long Term Plan

Year 1 Long Term Plan

Year 2 Long Term Plan

Year 3 Long Term Plan

Year 4 Long Term Plan

Year 5 Long Term Plan

Year 6 Long Term Plan

Mathematical vocabulary plays a key role in our maths curriculum and assists the children during their reasoning and problem solving. Children are taught to use the correct mathematical vocabulary when they are explaining their thinking and verbalising their ideas. Their knowledge of mathematical vocabulary builds upon their prior learning and new vocabulary is introduced clearly.   

Mathematical Language Progression document

Sentence stems are also used to scaffold children when they are discussing mathematical concepts. These are used regularly within maths lessons during the whole class input and when children are completing their independent tasks. 

Examples of Sentence Stems used within their learning on Place Value